Thursday, December 17, 2009

Even Fruit can be a Dangerous Subject

Mr.Jingles: Did the fruit bite you?

O'Kittens: ... what planet are you from?

: He is from Venus where all of the pretty mans come from.

O'Kittens: Oh god...

Mr.Jingles: Yes, I come from the planet Penis.

Guest_Speaker: Why did you have to blow it? I was being nice and trying to give you a compliment.

O'Kittens: Because he is from the planet Penis, and that is what they do.. BLOW THINGS

Mr.Jingles: Yes, that's what we do... on Penis.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

O'Kittens and Jingles on the way Home from a Fencing Tournament


O'Kittens: Can I just sit and point? My legs hurt.

Mr.Jingles: You can sit and point while I poop.

O'Kittens: Or I could pull your finger while you are pooping in case you have any troubles.

Mr.Jingles: Puling a finger and pooping, that is a totally different concept. The only way that be better is if one was in like.. short shorts. Pull my finger and *plop*

O'Kittens: We should make a blog about our conversations.

Mr.Jingles: Please don't.

O'Kittens: Well we could have other names.. like Gugenheimer and Mr. Jingles.

Mr.Jingles: YOU can be Mr.Jingles, it sounds like a pair of nuts.

O'Kittens: That would work.

Mr.Jingles: You realize that it would probably have like one post right?

O'Kittens: Probably.

*Few seconds go by*

O'Kittens: NO! WAIT! I want to be Puppies O'Kittens!